Congratulations to Prof. Yu. Popov ! See the PRL paper published in 2016 -->
RFBR grants
Laboratory staff participate in the RFBR grant 14-01-00420-а in 2014-2016.
Laboratory staff participated in the RFBR grant 11-01-00523-а in 2011-2013. The final scientific report (in Russian) is attached.
Scientific report
Preprints of last papers:
Reformulation of the strong field approximation for light-matter interactions
A. Galstyan, O. Chuluunbaatar, A. Hamido, Yu. V. Popov, F. Mota-Furtado, P. F. O'Mahony, N. Janssens, F. Catoire, B. Piraux
Agreement at last: an experimental and theoretical study on the single ionization of helium by fast proton impact
H. Gassert, O. Chuluunbaatar, M. Waitz, F. Trinter, H.-K. Kim, T. Bauer, A. Laucke, Ch. Müller, J. Voigtsberger, M. Weller, J. Rist, M. Pitzer, S. Zeller, T. Jahnke, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, J. B. Williams, S. A. Zaytsev, A. A. Bulychev, K. A. Kouzakov, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner, Yu. V. Popov, M. S. Schöffler, (2015)
2D electron momentum distributions for transfer ionization in fast proton Helium collisions
M. S. Schoeffler, O. Chuluunbaatar, S. Houamer, A. G. Galstyan, J. N. Titze, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, H. Schmidt-Boecking, R. Doerner, Yu. V. Popov, A. A. Gusev, C. Dal Cappello, (2013)
Comment on "Dynamics of transfer ionization in fast ion-atom collisions"
Yu. V. Popov, V. L. Shablov, K. A. Kouzakov and A. G. Galstyan, (2013)
Transfer ionization and its sensitivity to the ground-state wave function
M. S. Schoeffler, O. Chuluunbaatar, Yu. V. Popov, S. Houamer, J. Titze, T. Jahnke, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, O. Jagutzki, A. G. Galstyan, and A. A. Gusev, (2013)
Past coferences within the scope of our research interests and our contribution:
2-4 November, 2015
Debrecen, Hungary
3rd XLIC COST General meeting
A. Galstyan participated with posterPoster
22-28 July, 2015
Spain, Toledo
A. Galstyan participated with posterPoster
30 July - 1 August, 2015
Spain, San Sebastian
'International Symposium on (e,2e), Double Photo-ionization and Related Topics' and the '18th International Symposium on Polarization and Correlation in Electronic and Atomic Collisions'
Prof. Yu. V. Popov gave a talk and had a posterPresentation
LXV International Conference on Nuclear Physics "Nucleus 2015. New
Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies"
29 June - 03 July 2015
Saint-Petersburg, Peterhof, Russia
Nucleus 2015
1-5 September, 2013
Prague, Czech Republic
International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, 2013, 1-5 September, Prague, Czech Republic
Participant: Galstyan A. G.Poster
1-3 August, 2013
Hefei, China
International symposium on (e,2e), double photoionization and related topics and 17th international symposium on polarization and correlation in electronic and atomic collisions
Participant: Dr. Kouzakov K. A.Poster
8-12 July, 2013
Dubna, Russia
The International Conference MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 2013, 8-12 July, Dubna, Russia
Participant: Prof. Popov Yu. V.Presentation